전시회와 행사


제10회 국제자원순환산업전 (Re-Tech 2017)

킨텍스 제2전시장 7홀
2017년 9월 6일(수)~8일(금), 3일간

再제조, 스크랩 리사이클링, 폐금속 · 유용자원 재활용, 도시광산 再자원화, 폐기물 수집·선별·운반, 유기성 폐기물 관리 (음식물쓰레기, 하수슬러지, 가축분뇨), 자원순환정책, 우수재활용 제품, 폐자원 에너지, 바이오매쓰 에너지 관련 전시회

WASTE 2017

Manchester (UK)
June 08, 2017
Booth A5

WASTE’17 has grown from a small, niche show into a highly professional, annual trade show loved by exhibitors and visitors. It began four years ago in more humble surroundings, and has developed into the KEY annual event in the North West of England for the entire waste, recycling, and skip hire industries. Visitors come from all over the UK and Ireland, and they also attract industry-leading exhibitors from all over the world. This year they have partnered with the mighty Manchester United Football Club, and the show will be bigger and better than ever before.


Homberg / Nieder-Ofleiden (독일)
8 월 30 일 ~ 9 월 2 일, 2017

“steinexpo”는 유럽에서 가장 큰 현무암 채석장에서 매 3 년마다 열리는 건축 자재 산업에 대한 국제 시범 전시회입니다. 이 박람회의 초점은 기계 및 장비에 대한 실용적인 실연에 있습니다. 솔루션, 적재 및 운송에서 분쇄 및 선별 등 모든 단계를 최적으로 사용할 수 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.

NordBau 2017

Neumünster (독일)
2017 년 9 월 13 일 -17 일

The news in the construction industry, the latest information about building products and services – since 1956, NordBau offers a platform for specialized audiences, as well as public and private interested persons alike. This is where industry and handicrafts, construction companies and architects, building materials trade, housing companies meet, but also chambers, associations and municipalities. Visitors, builders and home ownership owners will find out about current construction trends – on an annual basis.

Demolition Expo 2017

St Albans (UK)
June 22 – 24, 2017

See a huge display of demolition machines and equipment including high reach, excavators and skid steers. Visitors can also come to the processing area to see the machines in action. Demo Expo 2017 is the ideal opportunity to network with the biggest and best in the Demolition Industry.